Collection, transmission and storage of technological drilling data and video surveillance data, transfer of collected information to a central server
Rigspace Connect
Rigspace Connect is a specialized software for collecting, transmitting and storing technological drilling data from GTI stations and MWD/LWD systems and video surveillance data. This software does not have a user interface. The software is installed on an industrial computer, which performs the role of a hardware and software complex (APK) for collecting and delivering real-time drilling data to GBOX and is a local server that is hosted at each technological facility.

In addition to collecting data from connected measuring stations and systems, the APK interacts with an outdoor surveillance system and receives streaming video for transmission to a central server and recording to an archive.

Rigspace Connect is part of a software package for remote drilling monitoring, which also includes specialized Rigspace Server software (receiving data from Rigspace Connect and storing it on a central server) and Rigspace Monitoring software (data visualization from Rigspace Server software for users with access to the central server). ​

The architecture of the drilling process data collection solution fully supports the international data transmission standards WITS Level 0 and WITSML. The system provides real-time transmission of technological data of the well construction process from GTI and ZTL stations of Russian and foreign manufacturers to analysis and modeling programs of leading foreign manufacturers (Schlumberger, Landmark, Roxar). The system provides automatic, continuous, round-the-clock operation.
Basic functionality
  • Obtaining real-time drilling data from eTI, PNKC stations, video surveillance systems and storing them in a database.
  • Automatic processing of daily reports in MS Excel format from exchange directories and reading of geological information manually entered (operation log, sludge sheet).
  • Recording all information on a storage medium and transferring this information to the specialized Rigspace Server software.
  • Automatic pumping of all data in case of transmission interruptions.
  • Recording of the received video data to the media and transmitting intervals from the video archive upon request from the specialized Rigspace Server software.
Supports the following types of measuring stations and systems on the drilling site:
  • СГТИ АМТ (specialized converter).
  • СГТИ МегаАМТ (specialized converter).
  • СГТИ Разрез-2 (specialized converter).
  • СГТИ Сириус (specialized converter).
  • СГТИ СНГ-100 (specialized converter).
  • СГТИ CDT-200 (specialized converter).
  • СГТИ ИМС (DTCIS) (specialized converter).
  • СГТИ ГЕОТЕК (specialized converter).
  • СГТИ Геотест-5 (Леуза) (specialized converter).
  • СГТИ GeoLog (WITS).
  • СГТИ DataLog (WITS).
  • ЗТС Шлюмберже (advanced WITS).
  • ЗТС Бейкер-Хьюз (WITS).
  • ЗТС Халибартон (WITS).
  • ЗТС Геолинк (specialized converter).
  • ЗТС Стрела-2 (specialized converter).
  • ЗТС Стрела-3 (WITS).
  • ЗТС Сперри-Сан с ПО Insite (WITS).
  • СКПБ КУБ-2 (specialized converter).
  • СКПБ ИВЭ-50 (specialized converter).
  • СКПБ Infodrill (specialized converter).
  • СКПБ ДЭЛ-140 (specialized converter).
  • КС Горизонталь (specialized converter).
  • There are 37 more stations and systems.
  • Customizable plugins for new systems.
How to buy?
The cost of Rigspace Connect is calculated individually.

Contact us by phone +7 (812) 309-28-96, by e-mail or fill out the feedback form and we will prepare a commercial offer for you, as well as advise you on all issues related to the characteristics, implementation and purchase of software.
By clicking "Submit", you agree to the Personal Data Processing Policy.
  • Instructions for launching the software
  • Software Support Business Process
  • Certificates for software