Our partners
For us, customers are primarily partners. It is thanks to partnerships that we have been improving our products and services, helping customers solve problems during the construction of wells for many years.
    • A single corporate solution for UMB, reporting and key drilling performance indicators.
    • We have been working with the company for > 10 years.
    • Connected > 5000 objects.
    • The total savings on excluding non-production time is 30%.
  • Независимая Нефтегазовая Компания
    • A single corporate solution for UMB and reporting.
    • All subsidiaries are connected.
    • We have been working with the company for > 2 years.
    • Connected > 1170 objects.
  • Энергия нефтегазового сервиса
    • We have been working with the company for > 10 years.
    • UMB at all facilities in all regions of the Russian Federation.
  • Geolog International (GEOLOG)
    • The 1st in Russia UMB of offshore fields (Ledovoye, Rusanovskoye) with the installation of the Gbox hardware and software complex on offshore platforms.
  • Газпром бурение
    • UMB, completed on a turnkey basis - from the supply of equipment and installation to the deployment of a single corporate server.
    • UMB at one of the deepest wells in Russia (Yarudeyskoye field, depth 9291m).
  • Геоконтроль
    • UMB of Fishbone multi-barrel wells at the Vostochno-Messoyakhskoye field. The average total length of all the trunks of one well is 10 km.
    • We have been working with the company for > 7 years.
  • СГК-Бурение
    • The 1st UMB project in Russia with data transmission directly to England (Black Energy company).
  • ИЦ ГазИнформПласт
    • The 1st hardware and software solution in Russia for a mobile well exploration and development complex.
Drilling Control Centers
using TetraSoft solutions